Sunday, July 1, 2012

Defense wins championships

Does it?  Is that why we don't have any rings?

Green, Hamrlik, Carlson, Alzner, Orlov, Erskine, Poti, Schultz.

Doesn't read much like a Cup-winning roster.  Assuming Suter and Garrison aren't on our radar (damn!), who's left?

Carle, Kuba, Souray, Salo, Hannan, Aucoin, Salvador, Martinek, Roszival, Kubina, Allen.

I've been calling for Schultz's trade for years, but his value is probably at an all-time low.  And the FA market isn't looking like an easy fix.  The only way to work on the defense is through a trade, but are the Caps willing to look for the right fit?  We need a puck mover, but Carle is nothing more than a lesser version of Green.  Another defenseman who's average in the defensive zone won't help.

Would Bouwmeester be interested in playing here?  I just hope we don't sign another 35 year older who's been washed up for years.

10:52 PM UPDATE:

Filip Kuba signs in Florida, 2 years, $8 mil.  That sound you hear is Matt Carle and Jason Garrison giving each other high fives.

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